Romans 12 Reading Through the NT 2015

Read Romans, chapter 12 today.

Paul started this chapter with the word “therefore,” giving us instructions on how to live life as a believer. To be dedicated to God’s way of living, in light of all He has done for us, we should offer ourselves in sacrifice, totally to Him as an act of worship. Every day we can recommit ourselves (body, soul, mind and spirit) to Him as we lift up our hands in praise and worship Him. We can turn over all control to His mighty hand, and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide us.

By God’s grace, Paul wants us all to be humble, not thinking of ourselves more highly than we should. We are to look at ourselves with sober judgment in faith and use the gifts God has given us to glorify Him. We are part of the body of Christ, and are called to do our part, for each one of us is vital to the health of the fellowship of believers. We need to be aware of our spiritual gifts, given to all who follow Him when we accepted Jesus as our Savior. There are many spiritual gift assessments that can help you find out what your gifts might be, and it is worth the time to take one of these for yourself.

Verses 9-21 could be used as a mandate for all of us on how to treat others. Paul reminded us that our love for one another must be sincere. We are to hate evil and cling to good. Devotion to others in love is best, and we should give honor to people above ourselves. Our zeal and spiritual fervor for the Lord is key to serving both Him and the people around us. Joy with hope, patience in affliction and faithfulness in our prayer life are character traits that would be excellent to concentrate on cultivating. Share with those in need, and practice hospitality. If we are to become more like Jesus, following this path that Paul presents is a good way to do this.

We are to bless persecutors, not curse them. Rejoice with those who are gleeful. Mourn with those who have lost loved ones. Don’t argue, but live in harmony with people. Put pride aside, and don’t be conceited or feel above anyone. Talk to people out of your comfort zone!

Be careful not to retaliate, but do what you have learned to be right at all times. Attempt to live at peace with everyone, as much as you can control that situation. Sometimes it is difficult when there are those who want to stir up trouble, continue an argument or hold a grudge. Leave it to God to avenge, and don’t look for revenge when you are wronged. We are to feed our enemies when they are hungry, give them a drink if they are thirsty, and our good treatment of them will convict them as they see us take the higher road.

The last statement in this chapter states, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Living for good, showering His love and grace on those we encounter every day is the prescription for a life well lived. We can offer ourselves to God and ask Him to work through us each morning before we start our day. When we behave as Paul describes in this chapter, we are showing salt and light to a lost and lonely world. Read this chapter over and over again as a reminder of how we are to conduct ourselves as devoted disciples of Jesus.