Ephesians 4, Reading Through the NT 2015

Ephesians, chapter 4 is the passage to read today.

In the second half of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he now began to write about practical matters of living by faith. He reminded his readers that he was still imprisoned, but it was because of his faith, and not for anything he had done wrong. He urged all of us to live our lives worthy of God’s calling and for His purposes. This is something we should consider each and every day, and ask God to show us where He wants us to go and what He wants us to do. We all want to make a difference in this world, and when we are following the path that God created for us, we will find our “sweet spot” where we feel the most content, alive and useful.

Paul continued on with ways to live out our calling. We are to be humble and gentle, patient and bearing with one another in love. We are to be unified by the Spirit and live in peace. He showed how to live out our unity in the “ones” that need to be in place – we are to have one…body, Spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism, and one God and Father of us all. This is the unity that all believers need to aspire to, and it is crucial to peace in our churches, as well as in our relationships.

We have all been given gifts by God’s grace, to use in His Kingdom for His purposes. We are part of the body of Christ, and each one has their part to do. Jesus was sent to us (descended) so that we might know God and learn how to live like Him. He ascended to sit at the right hand of God, and left us with the Holy Spirit to help us and guide us. He has equipped us, individually, with gifts, to do works of service so that the body of Christ might be built up. We are to discover what those gifts are, develop them to the best of our ability, and grow in our knowledge and understanding of Jesus as we mature in our faith. We must not remain stagnant or complacent, but continue to learn to live as His disciples, using our gifts and serving others in love. This is living a life worthy of His calling (as Paul stated in verse 1!)

Beginning with verse 17, Paul shared instructions on how to live a Christina life. We need to be strong and know what we believe, so that we are not swayed by the temptations of the world. We need to stand firm in our faith, and grow in our understanding of God’s Word, so that we will not be easily deceived by the enemy. Knowing the truth and keeping our thoughts centered on Jesus and His teachings will transform us into a new creation in Christ, living by His Word in righteousness and holiness as we leave behind our former way of living.

Because we are new creations, we must live differently. We need to stop lying and be careful that when we get angry we don’t sin. This gives the devil an inroad and is a bad witness to a non-believer. We must not steal or be idle, and work so that we can help others in need. Watch our mouths, and speak only words of affirmation to build others up, and not tear them down. Those who listen to us will see our sincerity of faith, and be encouraged. Live according to the Holy Spirit, not against Him. He is our seal and guarantee of protection in our redemption. Throw off all bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander and malice. These have no place in the life of a believer. Instead, we must be kind and compassionate, offering forgiveness to one another, as we follow the example of Jesus. He paid the debt for our sin and we can now come before God forgiven and free.  This then is how we should live! Let this chapter be a reminder to us, as we grow, learn, and make a difference for Jesus, living out our calling worthily, every day of our lives.