2 Thessalonians 2, Reading Through the NT 2015

Read chapter 2 of 2 Thessalonians today.

Paul wanted to correct any misunderstandings the Thessalonians had on the Second Coming of Christ. There apparently was some thought that this event might happen very soon, and some believers were listening to false teachings about it. Paul warned them not to be deceived, and that certain events must precede Jesus’s coming back, and they had not yet taken place. We are to always be mindful of the fact that Jesus will come again, and as believers we have hope as we look forward to our eternal home. In the meantime, we are to live our lives the best we can as we follow the example of Jesus and His instructions in Scripture.

Paul went on to explain what needed to happen before Jesus came back. There would be a time of rebellion and “the man of lawlessness (some versions say sin,)” would be revealed as he opposed all things of God and set himself up to be worshiped in His place.  This evil man was and is being held back until the proper time for him to be revealed. At that time, Jesus, coming in splendor, will overthrow and destroy him. Before Jesus returns, the lawless one will deceive people with false signs, wonders, lies and wickedness. Those who have not put their faith in Jesus will perish for both refusing the truth of the gospel and turning away from God’s salvation. They will delight in their wickedness and therefore will be condemned to death. It may seem like the time for Jesus’s return will be soon, because we see these things happening in our modern world. We need not fear, and should eagerly anticipate our future, despite the everyday scenes of persecution of believers and rejection of God by many around us. None of us knows the time of His return. We can watch for the signs, and wait in expectation for His coming.

Paul thanked God for his brothers and sisters in Christ, and assured them that they were loved by God and considered His chosen people. He reminded them of their salvation through the sanctifying work of the Spirit coupled with their faith. They had responded to his gospel message, and were called to share in the glory of the Lord. We need to remember this ourselves. God so loved us that He gave us His Son as a sacrifice for our sin, and now we can live confidently in the knowledge that we have been redeemed to live with Him forever. We can thank God for what He has done in our lives, and stand firm in our faith, despite the lies and deceptions around us. We can remind ourselves of God’s goodness to us by reading His Word, remembering His answers to our prayers, and thinking about all the blessings He has bestowed on us in our lives.

Paul ended this chapter with a prayer for them to be encouraged by the love and grace of God, who gives us eternal encouragement and good hope. He wanted them to be uplifted by his words and strengthened to keep on keeping on. Who do you know that needs encouragement today? Who might be wavering in their faith because of bad influences in their life? Being connected to the body of Christ is a wonderful thing, and when we see one part faltering or struggling, we can comfort them and pray for them. We can let them know they are not alone and encourage them in their faith. Share a favorite verse or worship song that has blessed you. Write a note or card that tells them you are thinking of them. We all need to be reminded of the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Pass it on to someone you know, and spread God’s love to those around you today.