1 John 1, Reading Through the NT 2015

1 John, chapter 1 is the text for today.

John gives us a firsthand testimony of the life of Jesus, by declaring that he had seen and touched Him and He was the real deal. This evidence of His life from one who traveled and spent time with Him gives us confidence that God did come to earth and live among us in the person of Jesus Christ. John’s message is meant to encourage us and be a reminder that this is not some made-up story, but God’s truth, written for all to see and hear. He can boldly proclaim the hope of eternal life and the salvation that is offered to us through Jesus.  When we know this and believe it for ourselves, we become part of the body of Christ, the universal church, and join in the fellowship and joy of all believers.

John reminds us of some facts about God – first that He is light. God has no darkness in Him, and we need to be walking in His light, not in the shadows and darkness of this fallen world. When we shine His light of truth in our lives, we belong to Him and the blood of Jesus purifies us from all sin.

Another fact about God is that He is faithful. When we confess our sin (because we are all sinners,) He is faithful and just and forgives us from all we have done wrong. We must not deny that we are sinful people, because that makes God out to be a liar and we are denying His holy Word. All we need to know about faith and righteousness is written in the Bible. Spending time getting to know God by reading and reflecting on Scripture will help us grow closer to Him and mature us in our faith. As we read from one who was in the presence of Jesus, John, who was an eyewitness of His miracles and the lessons He taught, we can be assured of His identity and trust this account of His life.

1 Corinthians 8, Reading Through the NT 2015

Chapter 8 of the book of 1 Corinthians is the passage for today.

Paul continued to write about issues that were of concern to the Corinthian church. On the subject of eating food sacrificed to idols, he wanted to be sure that this church had the right perspective on this pagan practice. The Corinthian believers were somewhat arrogant and prideful about what they thought they knew about God. Paul reminded them that love was the most important thing, and that it was love that built people up, not knowledge. We can show love to our fellow believers by not doing anything that might make them question their faith or stumble and sin. This was the point of Paul’s addressing this topic of sacrificed food.

Paul wanted to help this church understand that even though they knew that idols were nothing to the believer, some young in their faith were still not completely sure what to think about them. He reminded them that there was and is only one God, the Father and one Lord, Jesus Christ through whom all things come and in whom we live. This was a fundamental fact that they needed to comprehend, and idols were not to be included in their lives. Young Christians were trying not to get caught up in their pagan culture, and eating this food caused them to feel guilty. They were not solid in their beliefs, and did not realize that the food was a non-issue here. The issue was their love and devotion to the One True God.

So when a mature believer bought some of the sacrificed food from the local marketplace and ate it, their strong faith kept them from worrying about the source of the food. They were hungry and the food was good, so they ate it. The problem was, the new believers saw them doing this and were not sure how to think about it. Their weak consciences might lead them to divide their loyalties and go back to idol worship because they saw another Christian brother or sister eating sacrificed meat. Paul urged the strong believer to stop putting stumbling blocks in the way of those who were new in their faith, and forgo eating this food so that they would not cause anyone to fall into sin. We all have choices to make, and our witness to others is impacted by our behaviors. When we know something we do could cause a person to stumble or sin, we need to stop doing it. Just because we know something we do might not cause us to stray from our faith, if it impacts another person and pulls them away from God, we need to be sensitive and be willing to give it up for their sake. This is an act of love. Even though we know we are faithfully following Christ in our own lives, we can lovingly support and encourage those younger in the faith by carefully watching what we do so that they will be confident in their beliefs and not be tempted to stray.

Acts 24 Reading Through the NT 2015

Read all of Chapter 24 of the book of Acts.

The high priest, Ananias, took some fellow elders and their lawyer, Tertullus, to bring charges against Paul before Felix. Tertullus opened his case by sweet talking this Roman governor, praising his reforms and expressing gratitude for how he had run the government so far. Then he asked that Felix be kind enough to hear him out. He said that Paul was a troublemaker who stirred up riots among the Jews and he was a “ringleader” of the Nazarene sect. He accused Paul of desecrating the temple and said that is why they seized him. These Jewish religious leaders wanted Felix to interrogate Paul and get him to confess to these accusations and they all chimed in stating what their lawyer said was true. These men were on the warpath to try to stop the spread of Christianity in it’s tracks. They insulted the followers of Jesus by calling them a “Nazarene sect.” Everything they were telling Felix was a lie, and their motive was to get rid of Paul so that this movement would be thwarted before it took a lot of people away from the Jewish faith. As Christians today, we are constantly being insulted by the media, thought of as ultra-conservative and out of touch with reality. When we talk about Biblical ethics and morals and encourage people to turn away from their self-centered lifestyle and turn to God, we get mocked, scorned and dismissed out of hand. Some people are so good at arguing with lies and deceit, that they turn away those who are on the fence who might otherwise have considered a real relationship with God through Jesus if they only had someone tell them the truth of the Gospel. We need to be on the alert for false teachers and know what God’s Word has to say so we are armed for the battle.

Felix asked Paul to speak, and Paul was grateful for the opportunity. He refuted what these men were accusing him of doing, saying he had only been in Jerusalem for 12 days when he was arrested, and the true witnesses of what he was doing there were not even present to testify. They had not found him arguing or stirring up the crowd, but he admitted that he was a follower of “the Way.” He reaffirmed his belief in the Law and what was written in the Prophets, which now included his hope in the resurrection of the dead. He told Felix that his conscious was clear before both God and man.

Paul continued his defense by telling them his purpose for coming to Jerusalem – he was there to bring gifts for the poor and to present offerings. He was taking part in a purification ritual at the time he was taken and there was no crowd or rioting. He told Felix that the only thing he could think they might accuse him of was talking about the resurrection of the dead, which the Sadducees did not believe in. There was no legal reason to keep Paul imprisoned, but Felix decided to keep him locked up, with some freedom to allow his friends to visit and take care of his needs. Life is not always fair, and when we are falsely accused of something we did not do, we usually respond with anger, and an indignant attitude. Paul stated the facts but did not argue. He did not shout and rant and rave, but quietly shared his side of the story. His confidence was in God, not in man. If he was beaten, imprisoned and put through tough times, he was not worried, because his hope was in his future, not his present circumstances. We can learn a lot from Paul’s hard times. He had heard a word from the Lord, and his mission was clear. He was to testify to Rom and take the Gospel to the Gentiles. If there were Jews willing to listen along the way, all the better.

Felix was curious and decided to bring his wife, Drusilla, a Jew, to talk to Paul. Paul shared his faith in Jesus and preached to them about righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come. This couple had a sordid past, with several failed marriages and adulterous affairs, and Paul did not miss this opportunity to give them a heads up on what God had to say about this kind of behavior. When Felix heard all Paul had to say, he was afraid. He sent him back to his prison and said he would call for him at a later time. He secretly wanted Paul to offer him a bribe (this was customary for someone who wanted to get out of prison,) and sent for him frequently in case he might pay his way out. During this time, Paul always took advantage of their time together to share the good news of salvation with Felix.

When someone hears what God has to say about their bad behavior, which God calls sin, the response may be fear, but it also may be rejection of the truth. We love our sinful ways, and don’t want to give them up. It is only when we put our lives in God’s hands, and confess that we are incapable of living a good life, that God offers us His grace and forgiveness for our wrongdoings. All of us sin and fall short of God’s way of living. The good news is that we can always come before God and He welcomes us with open arms with love and mercy. He will strengthen us and uphold us and help us when we are weak. He wants us to come to Him, just as a small child comes to their daddy, and admits their mistakes. Daddy loves his children so much, gathers them in his arms for a hug, and they happily move on together.

After two years had passed, Felix was succeeded in office by Porcius Festus, and to please the Jews, Felix had left Paul in prison all this time. Even though Felix was trying to please the Jews, Paul was actually being protected from being killed by these people. God had given Paul a divine promise – to witness in Rome, and the current circumstance he was in gave him this very chance to carry out God’s orders. Sometimes we don’t know why things happen to us, but in hindsight, we can see how God orchestrated everything in just the right way. It may mean tough times and circumstances we don’t want to be in, but He knows what He is doing. We can trust Him as He watches over our lives as our loving Father!

Mark 9:30-50 Reading Through the NT 2015

Finish reading chapter 9 of Mark, verses 30-50.

Jesus, as He continued to travel with His disciples, tried to avoid crowded places so He could spend time teaching His men all He wanted them to know. Once again He talked about His coming fate, and this time added that He would be betrayed. The disciples did not get what He was talking about, and murmured among themselves, not wanting to seem clueless. As we read the teachings of Jesus in the Bible, we sometimes may not fully understand them. If that happens, there are countless resources available to help us get a better grasp of what He said and did. We can ask other people, research online Bible sites, read commentaries and articles about a passage, and pray and ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate Jesus’ Words. The more we explore the Bible, the more we will understand what Jesus taught, who He was, and our relationship with Him will deepen.

The disciples’ sidebar conversations continued as this group made its’ way to Capernaum. Jesus wanted to know what they were talking about, and they didn’t want to admit that they were arguing about who was the greatest among them. In His infinite wisdom, Jesus knew this, and began a lesson on leadership. The one who desired to be first must take last place, and be the servant of everyone else. This was not the normal model of leadership. In those days, just as it is today, a leader was taught to strive for the top place, to be the boss, and to climb the ladder of power and authority over others. Jesus followed this by scooping up a little child, and using him to teach about status in God’s Kingdom. Children were insignificant in that culture, which made this a great object lesson. Jesus wanted to emphasize that like insignificant children, people with no status, that seem like nothing in the world, were welcome in His Kingdom. If we welcomed these people, we welcomed Jesus, and subsequently welcomed God Himself, the One who sent Him. To be a leader in God’s eyes, we must be a servant. We must be willing to humble ourselves and look to the good of others first. Jesus was and is the perfect model to follow. We saw a few verses back, the “real” Jesus, transfigured on the mountain in all His glory. He could have stayed in that exalted position, but chose to humble Himself, come to us and abide with us so we might know Him. He knew what He was sent here to do, and He did it willingly. He had the end in mind. He knew the final outcome of His earthly life. His mindset was always on us – for without His sacrifice, we would all be lost. Such great love. It should humble us, as we learn to serve others like He did!

John, the beloved disciple, complained that there were people using Jesus’ name to cast out demons. Jesus told him that they were on the same side. The world is divided into two camps – those for God and those against Him. These people, though not in the inner circle of disciples, were still under God’s authority and performed miracles in His name. They needed to accept these followers, and not shut them down. Are we shutting down people who worship differently than we do? Are we turning our noses up at different churches, who might not look like ours? If they are truly doing God’s work, in Jesus’ name, we need to bond together as the body of Christ. We are on the same side. Our differences are not essential to the bigger picture of telling the world about Jesus. Our goal is the same – to teach about the Kingdom of God and bring people to a place where they put their faith and trust in Christ. If that is not what we see them doing, then they are on the other side and should be rejected.

We need to get rid of anything that causes sin – whether it is influencing others, or our own behaviors. That is what Jesus taught at the end of this chapter. Sin is serious, and takes us away from God. It turns our focus to ourselves, and it becomes a huge burden in our lives, just as a millstone would be if hung around our necks. We need to throw off any sin that entangles us! We need to put on the attributes of Christ, beginning with love! Jesus said in verse 49 that we will all be tested. We need to keep our witness salty – not bland, fervently crusading for Jesus in a fallen world. Sprinkle more of Jesus into your everyday life – and into the lives of others. Taste and see that He is good. He is the hope for us, hope for eternal rewards and for life everlasting.